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Entrepreneur Kevin Nguyen: “Vietnamese pioneer in the field of beauty”

Few people are aware that Kevin Nguyen – Illume 2020's Shining Character – founded Beauty Image Group, one of the first prestigious and famous brands developed by Vietnamese, pioneering the growth of the beauty industry...




What happened to the food pyramid?

Dietary guidelines for millions of Americans were introduced by the USDA in 1992. The pyramid recommended 6–11 servings of grains per day. It started...

What your sleepwear says about you

We all have our go-to sleepwear that we feel comfortable in. But have you ever stopped to think about what your sleepwear says about...

What Should You See and Do on Your First Visit to Kiev – Kyiv, Ukraine?

If this is your first visit to Kiev - Kyiv, we congratulate you! Kyiv, one of Europe's most underestimated capitals, is also one of...

“Wellness yoga retreat: the ultimate way to relax and rejuvenate”

A wellness yoga retreat is a form of yoga that focuses on promoting overall health and well-being. There are many benefits associated with practicing...

About 3 million doses of COVID-19 vaccine are distributed to states in the US

Because vaccines must be stored at - 75 degrees Celsius, US officials describe the transport as an unprecedented effort by the government, shipping companies...