The harmful effects of drinking cold water on hot days

Many people enjoy a refreshing glass of cold water in hot weather. However, drinking cold water can pose several health risks.

  • Digestive disorders

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According to Healthline, when you drink cold water, the digestive system’s ability to absorb nutrients to generate energy is restricted, leading to dehydration. Cold water causes blood vessels to contract, hindering digestion and preventing them from functioning properly. Common issues associated with drinking cold water include stomach pain, nausea, and discomfort.

  • Weakening of the immune system

Drinking cold water immediately after a meal can create excess mucus in the body, reducing the immune system’s function and making you more susceptible to illness. Common problems associated with drinking cold water include a runny nose, cough, cold, and sore throat.

  • Accumulation of fat

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Many people believe that drinking cold water can increase calorie burning by making the body work harder. However, this is not true. In fact, the cold temperature in the body causes fats to solidify and clog, making it difficult for the body to burn them, leading to weight gain.

  • Constipation

Drinking water at normal temperatures stimulates the digestive process, but drinking cold water can cause constipation. Cold water causes food to contract due to its coldness, affecting the ability of the stomach and intestines to contract and digest, leading to constipation.

  • Decreased energy

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Drinking cold water may make you feel cool and refreshed for a short time. However, it actually depletes your energy in the long run. This is because the body has to use extra energy to warm up the cold water, leaving you feeling tired and sluggish quickly.

  • Slowed heart rate

Drinking cold water can lower your heart rate. This is because the nerves behind the neck and the cardiac nervous system are affected by the sudden drop in temperature.

  • Heat shock

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People should avoid drinking cold water after exercising. When you exercise, a lot of heat is generated, and if you drink cold water immediately afterward, the sudden change in body temperature can affect the digestive system, leading to stomach pain or heat shock.

  • Headaches

Cold drinks, including ice cream or ice water, can have similar effects to cold water. This can stimulate the nerves suddenly, sending signals to the brain and causing headaches.

Drinking water during sunny weather the right way

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  • Make it a habit to drink enough water every day. Don’t wait until you feel thirsty or your mouth is dry to drink water.
  • Ensure that the water source is safe and hygienic. Avoid drinking stagnant water. Don’t drink too much-bottled water or water with unclear sources.
  • Drink water in moderate amounts each time. Avoid drinking too much water at once. It’s best to pour water into a glass before drinking.
  • Avoid drinking repeatedly boiled water. Don’t drink water that has been boiled for more than 2 days.
  • Avoid drinking water immediately after vigorous exercise.
  • Beverages such as carbonated soft drinks and caffeinated drinks cannot replace plain water.

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Therefore, we can see that water is crucial for the body and should be supplemented by drinking water properly during hot weather. Hopefully, with the useful information above, you will always have a healthy body.

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