Most of the time all you need is a few key nutrients and vitamins and your hair will be on its way to a healthier life. Try these natural ways to promote hair growth!
1. Eat Your Oats And Biotin Too
Biotin is a water-soluble vitamin of the B complex. It aids in hair and scalp health. Don’t worry you can find it in oats, nuts, and brown rice. How could you say no to a big bowl of oatmeal every day?
2. Iron Up
Iron is another vitamin that will help aid in hair growth, but make sure you get enough vitamin C in order for your body to absorb the iron. You can find iron in green leafy vegetables, cashews, dried fruits, and berries.
3. Eat Enough Essential Fatty Acids
No, no, you don’t need to gain weight in order for your hair to grow. Essential fatty acids are critical for your body’s health, however, it can’t make it on its own. Foods high in essential fatty acids include avocados, walnuts, and fish.
4. Get Enough MSM To Aid In Keratin Production
MSM is found in many leafy vegetables, from cabbage to Swiss chard and raw vegetables. It is known to aid in keratin production and also strengthens hair follicles. Make sure to eat your vegetables!
5. Fall In Love With Minerals
Silica and zinc are the minerals you need to fall in love with because they are also a staple for hair growth. Foods high in silica include cucumber, mango, beans, and asparagus. On the other hand, foods high in zinc include oysters, eggs, pecans and pumpkin seeds.
6. Pile Up On Foods High In Vitamin C
You don’t need some expensive pill that everyone’s raving about to increase collagen production. To boost collagen, all you need to do is make sure you’re getting enough Vitamin C. Whether its from berries or red peppers, Vitamin C will help boost collagen to decrease hair breakage.
7. Saw Palmetto Is Also Valuable
You’re probably wondering what saw palmetto is. It’s an herb that may increase hair growth in men.
8. Make Sure Your Cortisol Levels Are Balanced
Cortisol is known as the stress hormone. It spikes when you’re facing a lot of stress, but it is also needed, in moderation, to function. High cortisol can have a negative impact on your metabolism and hair growth.
9. Rosemary Oil Can Also Help
This oil and others, like coconut oil, can help increase circulation within the scalp. Whether you put it in with your shampoo or add a few drops directly to your scalp, your hair will thank you later.
10. A Well-Balanced Diet Will Do The Trick
One of the best ways to help your body in any aspect is to make sure you’re eating a well-balanced diet. Whether it’s bone health or hair health, foods rich in essential fats, protein and nutrients will benefit growth and overall wellbeing.
11. Get Plenty Of Protein
Protein is not only an important nutrient for the body, it is also important for your hair. Your hair is made of protein so in order to prevent hair loss, make sure to eat meals that are protein packed.
12. Enhance Your Vitamin E
You need this staple vitamin to nourish damaged hair and to prevent breakage. Foods high in vitamin E include sunflower seeds, almonds, pine nuts and cooked spinach.
– According to minq.com –