5 foods for a better eyes’ health

Our planet is a place full of wonders and our eyes help us observe and enjoy its beauty. However, many people usually ignore the importance of their eyes’ health.

 Due to the constant pressure of work and usage of electronic devices, our eyes health has been significantly reduced. It is a common mistake that people usually ignore to provide their body with the proper nutrients to preserve our eyes’ health. Today, Illume will introduce to you some foods to help you improve your eyes health.

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One of the most well-known sources of nutrients for eyes health is fish, salmon is one of the most common examples of this. Fish usually contains omega-3 fatty acids, a type of healthy fat that can support your body’s visual development and improve the retina behind the back of the eye. Furthermore, dry eyes can be treated by consuming fish. It is advisable to add fish to your family meal a few days a week, wild-caught fish are better because they provide more omega-3 and saturated fat.


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Your eyes require vitamin C to be healthy and oranges are an excellent source of vitamin C. This crucial and easy-to-find vitamin helps support healthy blood vessels in your eyes. Cataracts development can be prevented by consuming vitamin C from oranges and other fruits. We can enjoy oranges in various ways such as orange juice or we can simply eat them the way they are.


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This vegetable is what people seek when they want to improve their eyes health. Carrots contain a large amount of vitamin A and beta carotene. Eye infections and various eyes conditions can be stopped with the help of vitamin A and beta carotene. Vitamin A and beta carotene can also protect your eyes’ surface. Carrots can be eaten at any time of the day and require little to no preparations before you eat them. If you are not fancy in eating normally, adding carrots into types of cakes is an option for you.

Dairy products

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Dairy products

Another source of vitamin A is dairy products. Vitamin A protects the cornea and the mineral zinc inside dairy products helps transport that important vitamin to our eyes from the liver. Zinc exists inside the eyes especially in the retina and choroid, a type of vascular tissue under the retina. Your night vision is supported by zinc and this mineral also protects your eyes against cataracts. Dairy products can be consumed at any time of the day. Dairy products can be consumed individually or combined with other foods such as tea, coffee, and cereal.


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Eggs are famous for being a source of vitamin A, lutein, zeaxanthin, and zinc. All of these vitamins and minerals are crucial for your eyes’ health. Your cornea is protected by vitamin A, lutein and zeaxanthin reduce the chance of serious eye conditions. Zinc ensures your eyes stay healthy. Your night vision is supported by zinc as well. Eggs are easy to find and easy to prepare for a meal. Whether you boil or fry them, their eyes healthy effect is served.

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