5 Reasons cause Varicose Veins

Varicose veins are a rather common ailment, and for many people, they run in the family. Women are more likely to develop them than men and it has an impact on 23% of adult Americans living in the United States alone. However, many individuals only consider varicose veins and spider veins, a typical, mild form of varicose veins, to be an aesthetic issue. Meanwhile, that can make other people feel uncomfortable and achy, sometimes resulting in more significant matters. So what causes varicose veins?

The pressure inside the vein from standing for long periods:

People who have to stand or walk for a long time because of their specific work such as barber, nurses, doctors, receptionist, and so on, or other reasons can impair circulation, increase strain on the legs, and aggravate or develop varicose veins. Because it can develop in any superficial vein close to the skin’s surface.

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So while they’re standing or walking, the pressure in the veins of the lower body increases, and their varicose veins usually get twisted, enlarged veins. This could weaken the veins’ walls, harm their valves.


Many people don’t know that varicose veins may occur as a result of progesterone and estrogen hormonal changes. Although the body needs hormones to function properly, an imbalance can have negative consequences. Damage to the tiny valves inside veins can also result from an imbalance in progesterone. These valves maintain the blood’s single-directional flow toward the heart. Blood can backflow if the valves aren’t functioning properly, exacerbating swelling and harming the vein walls’ preexisting fragility.

The aging process:

At least 16% of elders with varicose veins are over the age of 60. Vein walls and valves become less effective as we age because of aging. As we get older, the one-way valves in our veins that stop blood from flowing backward weaken, allowing blood to flow backward and causing the veins to lose their flexibility and tighten. Varicose veins are twisted, bulging veins caused by an accumulation of pressure from the increasing amount of blood within the vein. 

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Your circulatory system is put under more strain when you are overweight because your vessels have to work harder to carry, distribute, and return blood to your heart due to the extra body mass that comes with obesity. Varicose veins may eventually develop as a result of this injury. Being overweight frequently makes it challenging to stay active. Your veins depend on a number of leg muscles to assist the transport of blood toward the heart, and this could result in those muscles deteriorating and causing varicose veins.

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Overweight can also threaten your vein and artery health.

Restrictive clothing:

Wearing tight clothing, such as slim jeans or compression garments, limits blood flow in your legs and can result in varicose veins even if you don’t have to stand or walk for a long time. It causes stagnation in your blood and can make varicose veins worse. Moreover, these clothes increase the pressure on your abdomen. The pressure eventually descends to your legs, ultimately preventing blood flow as when you stand for an extended period of time.

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