5 tips to keep your fruits and vegetables stay fresh longer

Illume – Improper storage can cause fruits and vegetables to spoil easily and be wasteful. However, just a few simple tips can help foods stay fresher longer.

fruits and vegetables

Do not put onions together with potatoes

If you want potatoes to last longer, store them in a separate place from the onions. Both potatoes and onions produce ethylene gas. Ethylene gas of one will cause the other to ripen quickly and spoil.

To preserve onions and potatoes well, place them in 2 different bags and place in a cool, low light place.

Avoid leaving garlic in the refrigerator

One of the most perishable ways to store garlic is to put it in a sealed container and then refrigerate it. Such an environment makes it easier for garlic to sprout and promotes mold growth.

Instead, keeping the garlic in a dry, dark place; keeping the clove in the bulb for as long as possible. Because if the clove is separated and peeled, the garlic will soon spoil and not be left for more than a week.

Soak root in water

Herbaceous plants used as vegetables such as asparagus, basil and parsley will stay fresher longer if they are soaked in water.

The simple trick is to trim the root after buying, put it in bundles and put in a jar, a glass with a little water below, then bring it to a well-lit place and away from high temperatures. In other words, this preservation is exactly the same way that we place flowers in the vase.

Discard the bad apples immediately

It is a very bad thing to store apples not to let damaged apples with fresh ones. When ripe, apples produce ethylene gas. Ethylene gas stimulates other fresh apples to ripen. This means that they also deteriorate sooner.

Wash the berries with vinegar

Berries such as blueberries, grapes, strawberries, and raspberries are delicious but often spoiled quickly. To store them longer, wash them in a dilute vinegar solution with 1 part vinegar and 3 parts water.
After washing with vinegar, the berries need to be drained for a few minutes, then rinsed thoroughly with water and refrigerated.

Hope the above sharing can be of help to you. Thank you!

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