1. Carefully examine suspicious places
One of the easiest ways to spot hidden cameras is to thoroughly check objects around the room you just entered. Of course it’s called “hidden”, meaning they can’t be exposed, so you need to check it out very carefully.
Special attention should be paid to things like wallpaper, night lights, wall hangers, storage shelves … Suspicious wire, lenses, flashing lights … can all be a sign of the camera.
2. Using Wifi
Most civilian cameras usually operate on Wifi waves, and you can take advantage of this point to find them. By using a few apps that can show devices connected to the local network (like Fing), you will know which devices are connecting to the same WiFi in the room. Pay particular attention to devices that show a lens shape, or have a model name “IP camera”.

3. Using flash
In the fitting rooms, mirrors are probably the easiest place to hide the camera. To be sure, turn on your phone’s flash and shine it in the mirror. The mirror surface will reflect light, allowing you to see further and possibly reveal where the camera is hidden.
4. Check the 2-way mirror
The fitting rooms are also easy to place 2-dimensional mirrors – also known as transparent mirrors. They are mirrors with 2 sides, of which one side is normal, the other side is transparent, allowing the person on the other side to see everything.
To check if the mirror in front of you is a 2-way mirror, bring your face close to the glass, cover the light with both hands. If you can see through the other side of the mirror, it is a 2-way mirror.
5. Finger test – don’t over-trust it
There is a widely circulated method of detecting 2-dimensional mirrors, which involves inserting a finger into the mirror. If the reflection is a bit from your hand, it is a normal mirror. If the real photo and finger can touch each other, most likely it is a 2-dimensional mirror.
However, this approach is only relatively correct, because the fact that the real image touches the virtual image or not depends on the size of the mirror, the angle of the mirror and the light. So before you jump to conclusions, look for one more suspicious trait.
For example, a 2-dimensional mirror is usually not hung up like a normal mirror, but must be attached to the wall like a window. If you see a wall behind the mirror, you can relax. If the mirror is a part of the wall, it is best to examine it closely.