6 signs revealing real age of women

1. The forehead becomes flat

9 Signs That Reveal Any Woman’s Real Age

We all could probably hardly imagine that age-related atrophy of the subcutaneous fat layer is the reason for the loss of volume in this part of the body. By the way, the Botox injections that so many people love only worsen this situation. Even if the forehead remains smooth, it will lose its volume and reveal a woman’s true age.

2. Lips lose their volume and moisture.

9 Signs That Reveal Any Woman’s Real Age

Unfortunately, the shape of your lips changes over the years. They lose their volume, become drier, and get so-called purse-string wrinkles around them. Lips that used to be juicy, plump, and sensual become visually smaller and thinner.

9 Signs That Reveal Any Woman’s Real Age

This part of the body can change its original look with age due to extra weight, illnesses like omphalocele, piercings, and pregnancies.

4. Dark circles appear under the eyes.

9 Signs That Reveal Any Woman’s Real Age

The subcutaneous fat layer becomes thinner due to low collagen production after the age of 30. The skin around the eyes loses its density, it becomes more transparent and starts to show blood vessels, which then leads to the appearance of dark circles under the eyes.

5. The earlobes stretch and increase in size.

9 Signs That Reveal Any Woman’s Real Age

The earlobes are also an age indicator, just like the hands and the neck. As surprising as it is, women care about them much less than about other parts of the body. Unfortunately, earlobes also lose their thin fat layer and elasticity. As a result, they get stretched out and the love for big and heavy earrings worsens the situation.

6. The brow ridges are lowered, the look becomes less open.

9 Signs That Reveal Any Woman’s Real Age

When we are young, good skin tension holds our eyebrows in place and doesn’t allow them to “slide” down. But with age, the collagen that sustains the elasticity and firmness of our skin is no longer produced as actively, and the facial muscles weaken and sag because of gravity. As a result, our brows gradually move down, being pressed by those muscles, and start to hang over our eyes, which gives our face a grumpy look.

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