Improve Your Metabolism

A complicated biological mechanism in the human body, metabolism is often abused by the diet and weight-loss businesses for their own financial gain. In reality, it’s a multibillion-dollar industry that’s expanding year after year as individuals seek methods to boost their body’s natural capacity to burn fat and lose weight.

Improve Your Metabolism - Wright Brand Bacon
Improve Your Metabolism – Wright Brand Bacon

The diet and weight-loss industries frequently exploit the human body’s metabolism. Increasingly, people are looking for ways to boost their bodies’ natural ability to burn fat.

Unfortunately, there isn’t a proven metabolism booster on the market. There are ways to boost metabolism naturally without spending a lot of time, money, or effort. It’s the little things that add up to a lean, fit body that burns more fat and calories.

In order to control your metabolism, you must first understand how it works. Simply put, metabolism is the process by which your body converts food and drink into energy for your daily activities.

Age, sex, height, chronic health conditions, and genetics all influence a person’s metabolic rate. Determining the metabolic rate of a person is difficult because there are so many variables to consider. Neither of these people can change their metabolism. They can, however, improve their metabolic rate while also improving their overall health.

Now that we know what makes up the metabolism, we need to know how it burns calories. Three main methods:

  1. Keeping alive. A person’s basal metabolic rate is the number of calories required to keep their body’s systems running. This accounts for 60-75 percent of the daily calorie burn.
  2. Food’s thermal effect. Food and drink digestion uses up to 10% of the daily calorie burn.
  3. Activity. This is the energy expended in movement. It accounts for 15-30% of your daily caloric burn, depending on your activity level.

You have the most control over your activities, so moving is vital to a healthy metabolism. According to the US Department of Health and Human Services, most healthy adults should get 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity aerobic activity per week, plus two resistance-training sessions per week. Consider adding HIIT to the cardio rotation and gradually increasing the weight during muscle strengthening exercises to increase the calorie burn. Both can boost your workout’s calorie burn.

Various lifestyle behaviors can also be optimized to improve metabolic efficiency, such as:

  • Consumption of food and beverages: Eating a balanced diet of whole foods with adequate protein for your body size promotes a healthy metabolism. Experts advise an average healthy person to consume 0.8 g of protein per kilogram of body weight (to convert pounds to kilograms, divide pounds by 2.2). Protein gives you energy, keeps you satiated (muscle burns more calories than fat), and keeps you from overeating. When it comes to hydration, the Institute of Medicine advises men to drink 13 cups of fluid per day and women to drink 9 cups. Water, like protein, can help you feel full and aid digestion and other bodily systems that aid metabolism.
  • Non-exercise activity thermogenesis (NEAT) movement can help burn more calories and keep the metabolism going. NEAT activities include walking the dog, cleaning the house, and playing with the kids.
  • Stop stressing and sleeping: Chronic stress and sleep deprivation can affect the body’s metabolism. Stress and lack of sleep cause the body to produce cortisol, which slows metabolism. Stress or exhaustion may also reduce your motivation to exercise, lowering your daily calorie burn. Make time for rest and self-care, use breathing and meditation to reduce stress, and improve your bedtime routine to get at least seven to eight hours of sleep.

While metabolism is a complex bodily function, there are simple habits and behaviors that can help you burn more calories and live a healthier and happier life. Try implementing one or more of the above lifestyle habits for a natural metabolism boost.

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