Believe it or not, the use of chemical-loaded treatments and colors lightens your hair without additional harm. Here are five natural methods to naturally lighten your hair using your own products:

1. Soak Vinegar
Raw apple cider vinegar will make your hair red and undertone. You may either spray it all over your head until your hair is saturated or swallow strands of cotton balls to give yourself natural features. Mix the vinegar with the water and let it to soak for 30-45 minutes.
2. Chamomile
Brew a strong cup of tea, let it cool and use it to soak hair lighter.. You should depart after approximately half an hour, but it will not harm to leave for a greater impact a little longer.
3. Henna
You may buy various colors of henna to get the hair out of the red. Be cautious what shade henna you buy, since some of you will not have much impact on dark hair and may actually make hair less dark. You should use about 3 teaspoons of henna powder per 1/2 cup boiling water and let the mixture to rest overnight and then take your hair to soak. Leave the mixture for at least two hours in your hair.
4. Olive Oil with Honey
This will not only make your hair lighter, olive oil is a great moisturizer and hair cleaner. Mix one 1⁄4 cup of honey with one and a half cup of olive oil, blend well and mix well. Apply this to sections of your hair and let it lighten for 45-60 minutes.
5. Cancer
Not only is this wonderful spice fantastic for your health, it is also amazing for bringing the red out in your hair and making it a bit lighter. Fill in cinnamon until it forms a thick paste. Work in your hair and let it go for a few hours. If you can leave it overnight, it will provide the greatest results.
6. Soda Baked
Baking soda can brighten up your hair. Another basic home ingredient that has a lot of diverse applications. Use about 1⁄4 cup and add water until a fairly thick paste is obtained. Nothing too thin will be effectively propagated and anything too thick will dry up too soon and will not function, so be careful while creating this combination. Allow it to brighten your hair for at least half an hour.
7. Salts
You don’t have to swim in the water to feel the brightness of salt in your hair. You should just combine a spoonful of salt into a half cup of warm water, mix it well and allow the mixture to soak into the portions of your hair that you wish to become lighter.
8. Rhubarb
Mix a 1/4 cup of rhubarb and two glasses of water together. Put the rhubarb to a boil in the water, then chill the mixture until room temperature is reached. Stretch the rhubarb out and use the juice to swallow your hair. Let your hair drink for 10-15 minutes, then rinse it, rinse it until the water is clear.
9. Vitamin C
You should already have a lot of vitamin C to maintain a healthy immune system, but vitamin C may also enhance hair health or even lighten your hair. Just take 8-9 vitamin C pills, break them into a thin powder and blend with the shampoo you usually use. Each time you wash your hair, it strengthens.
10. Citrus…
Lemons are not only great for flavoring all sorts of foods, cleaning surfaces around your house, and keeping your pests away, they can also shine your hair. Mix 2-3 teaspoons of lemon juice (always squeezed) into a cup of water. Stir well and soak the hair sections that you wish to make lighter. After your hair is wet, simply sit in the sun and dry your hair.
You don’t have to harm your hair for a lighter appearance. One of these home items is all you need and some time to make the combination work.