If you’re in the midst of a health slump or just don’t feel like your best, healthiest self, it may be time to make some changes to your daily routine in order to increase your wellness and long-term health. And who better to seek guidance from than incredibly fit, healthy individuals who eat well, keep active, practice self-care, and demonstrate daily self-love?
Here are a few health and wellness suggestions that are simple to include in your daily routine and will make a significant impact in your everyday perspective and wellbeing.
Early in the morning, consume water
Your body dehydrates as you sleep, so get up and drink a glass or two of water immediately to rehydrate the body and reawaken the mind. When you’re dehydrated, your brain feels tired, which makes it difficult to start the day on the proper foot and break out of that just-woke-up brain fog. Additionally, put water on your nightstand in case you wake up thirsty and require a sip, and continue drinking throughout the day to maintain hydration levels.
Take a Sip of Tea

Green tea has been found to have anti-inflammatory properties due to its supply of epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG), as well as the ability to boost metabolism and assist in weight reduction, therefore it’s prudent to drink green tea to maintain good health and hydration. Squeeze some lemon juice into it for taste and to assist in maintaining an alkaline and balanced body. If green tea isn’t your cup of tea, be assured that all teas have several health advantages.
Exit the Building
Super healthy individuals schedule time each day to be outside in the fresh air to enjoy sunlight and nature, even if it is only for a few minutes. A smart method to accomplish this is to take a lunch break during the day, during which you may spend 30 minutes to an hour outside and recharge. Additionally, if the weather is sunny, you’ll get a dosage of vitamin D, which can help you feel better and reduce your risk of depression.
Consume the Rainbow
The most vibrant and vivid fruits and vegetables are filled with antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, and fiber, all of which contribute to your longevity and reduce your chance of developing different ailments. Consume both fresh and frozen, as frozen foods keep their nutrients just as well (if not more so!) as fresh foods. Therefore, choose fresh items that are in season and frozen items for things that are not in season or for convenience.
Substitute Natural Sweeteners for Artificial Sweeteners
Don’t go crazy with natural sugars and sweeteners; they should still be consumed in moderation, but you should avoid artificial sweeteners in favor of natural. When a touch of sugar is required, seek a little amount of honey, genuine sugar, maple syrup, or agave, rather than another sweetener. Artificial sweeteners have been related to weight gain and an increased risk of heart disease; thus, avoid them. Learn more about the effects of artificial sweeteners on the human body.
Avoid Calorie Counting
It is not about calorie tracking, but about the quality of your food. If you consume a variety of colorful foods, good fats, and lean proteins, you will maintain excellent health. Additionally, keep in mind that while a candy bar may contain the same number of calories as Greek yogurt with nuts and fresh fruit, they will not have the same effect on your body. You’ll receive satiation, protein, and probiotics from the yogurt, as well as a slight sugar crash from the bar.
Plan Your Exercises
Consider exercising as a deadline for work and arrange training sessions and lessons in advance to be prepared. Additionally, attempt to work out in the morning. According to a new study, those who exercised before noon lost an average of more weight than those who exercised after 3 p.m. after ten months. Interestingly, no one appeared to exercise between noon and 3 PM, thus there is little information on that time period. Regardless of the time, just be sure you cram it in where it fits!
Nonetheless, Avoid Excessive Exercise
On the other hand, you want to strike a balance in your movement. Overtraining puts you in danger of developing chronic overuse or injury, which will set you back and postpone your health efforts. Therefore, while it is important to incorporate cardio and strength training into your weekly routine, allow yourself a day or two of rest to allow those fatigued, injured muscles to heal. That is the most effective method of strengthening and protecting them. Additionally, diversify your training routine so that not every day is spent in full-on craziness with HIIT or sprinting.
Sleep Enough
Sleep is critical for a reduced risk of disease, increased alertness and productivity throughout the day, and remaining on track with healthy food owing to a lack of cravings and bad decision making. When you are overly fatigued, ghrelin, the hunger hormone, surges, causing you to eat more food and go for the candy jar the next day. On the other hand, while you sleep, leptin, the hunger-suppressing hormone, is increased, allowing you to make healthier food choices and maintain a steady appetite. Consume more of these sleep-promoting foods.
Avoid Sugary Drinks
Avoid sugary beverages, which are little more than liquid calories devoid of nutritious benefit. That means reducing your coffee shop’s whipped cream, syrups, caramel, and mocha. The same is true for soda since it contains no health advantages and is mostly composed of calories and sugar. Rather than that, go for simple sparkling water and spice it up with some fresh fruit, such as a squeeze of lemon or a frozen berry ice cube, for natural sweetness.