This 15-Minute Morning Yoga Routine Will Help You Start The Day On The Right Foot

Get ready to feel calm, strong, and bendy.

If you ask me, there’s no better way to start the day than with a morning yoga routine. Whether I need to ground down or feel more energized, the right flow of poses always helps me tune into my breath and body.

Yoga can be an especially powerful practice for anyone dealing with anxiety and depression—and I find that turning to yoga before busy or stressful days goes a long way toward feeling more balanced and centered.

Plus, mind-body therapies like yoga have been shown to reduce inflammation and boost the immune system, according to research published in Plos One.

And, yes, in case you’re wondering, a morning yoga routine also challenges your body (chair pose is no joke!), so you can move through your day feeling mentally and physically strong—and more flexible. It starts out with some warm-up poses, moves through a vinyasa sequence that you’ll repeat on each side, and then winds down.

Time: 15 minutes

Equipment needed: mat

Instructions: Flow from pose to pose listed below, holding and breathing as noted. After completing poses five through 12 on the right side, repeat on the left before moving on. Make this practice about moving intuitively. If you want to feel serene throughout the day, keep your movement slow and gentle. If you want to feel energized, build up to a quicker, more heated pace as you progress. The beauty of yoga is that it can be whatever you need it to be!


Downward-Facing Dog

How to: Start in a plank position. Lift hips up and back, sinking heels toward floor, until body forms an upside down “V” shape. Press shoulders away from ears and relax neck. Spread fingers wide on mat, with palms pressed against the floor. Hold for five slow breaths.

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Side Bends

How to: Start standing with feet hip-distance apart and parallel, arms extended up overhead with hands interlaced. Inhale and lean up and over from waist to left side. Hold for a few breaths, then push through feet to return to standing and repeat on other side. Perforn three rounds on each side.

Feel the pose: As you create space and length in the sides of the body, feel your ribs separating away from your waist.

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Chair Pose

How to: Start standing with feet together and arms at sides. At the same time, raise hands overhead, palms facing in, until biceps are by ears while bending knees and sitting back as if lowering into a chair. Hold for five breaths.

Feel the pose: Challenge yourself and build heat in the body by staying here a little longer than you want to. Find ease in the neck as you breathe deep and feel energy extending out from your fingertips.


Low Lunge Twist

How to: Start in a low lunge with right foot forward between hands and left leg extended straight back. Draw right hand straight up overhead toward ceiling and rotate torso from waist to gaze up at it. Hold for a three breaths.

Feel the pose: Twist from your belly and upper back while keeping your legs and core strong. Engage your back leg and lift up out of hand on the floor.

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