Fresh grapes contain essential vitamins C, B1, B2, B3, B12, K, and necessary minerals for the body. Using fresh grape masks helps the skin become healthy and glowing, and particularly combats signs of aging.
1. Fresh Grape + Lemon Mask
- 2 tablespoons of ripe grapes
- 3 tablespoons of unsweetened fresh milk
- A few drops of fresh lemon juice
- Wash the grapes thoroughly, then mash 2 tablespoons of ripe grapes in a bowl.
- Add 3 tablespoons of unsweetened fresh milk and a few drops of fresh lemon juice to the mashed grapes, and mix well.
- Clean your face, apply the mixture, and gently massage for 20 minutes.
- Rinse your face with warm water. Use this formula regularly 2-3 times a week.
2. Fresh Grape + Carrot Juice Mask
- 10 ripe grapes
- 2 tablespoons of unsweetened yogurt
- 1 tablespoon of carrot juice
- 1 tablespoon of coconut oil
- Wash the grapes thoroughly, then mash 10 ripe, seedless grapes.
- Add 1 tablespoon of carrot juice, 1 tablespoon of coconut oil, and 2 tablespoons of unsweetened yogurt to the mashed grapes, and mix well.
- Apply the mixture to your face, relax for 30 minutes, then rinse with cold water. This mask helps moisturize, beautify the skin, and tighten pores.

3. Fresh Grape + Cornstarch Mask
- 10 ripe grapes
- 2 tablespoons of cornstarch
- 2 tablespoons of honey
- Mash 10 ripe, seedless grapes.
- Mix the mashed grapes with 2 tablespoons of cornstarch and 2 tablespoons of honey until it forms a thick paste.
- Apply the mixture to your face, relax for 15 minutes, then rinse with clean water.

4. Fresh Grape + Egg Yolk Mask
For those with dry skin, a fresh grape and egg yolk mask is an ideal choice. This mask is particularly effective in preventing aging and should be used regularly 1-2 times a week.
- 2 tablespoons of grape juice
- 1 egg yolk
- Mix one egg yolk with two tablespoons of grape juice.
- Apply the mixture evenly to your face for about 15 minutes, then rinse off with warm water.

5. Ripe Grape + Honey Mask
This mask helps achieve smooth, white skin and effectively combats aging. Don’t hesitate to incorporate this mask into your skincare routine for a refreshing change.
- 2 tablespoons of ripe grape juice
- 1 tablespoon of pure honey
- Mix the grape juice and honey in a suitable amount.
- Apply this mixture to your face and relax for 15 minutes.
- Rinse your face with clean water. Use this formula 1-2 times a week.

6. Fresh Grape + Papaya Mask
- 10 ripe grapes
- 1 tablespoon of papaya
- 1 tablespoon of pure honey
- Extract the juice from 10 ripe grapes and mash the papaya.
- Mix the grape juice with the mashed papaya and add 1 tablespoon of pure honey to the mixture.
- Apply the mixture evenly to your face, gently massage for 20 minutes, then rinse with warm water to moisturize and brighten your skin.

These are six grape mask recipes to help achieve glowing skin. Try applying them to feel the change in your skin every day! Follow Lavyon’s other articles to learn more unique and effective tips!