A Healthy Life Self-Improvement Guide
We are inundated with life self-improvement messages on a daily basis, whether we realize it or not. From TV make-up and hair ads to magazine covers featuring weight-loss and fitness plans, we are continually persuaded we are not good enough. But if we buy this thing or follow this celebrity, we could be. And instead of making us feel good about ourselves, these subliminal messages do the exact opposite. Which is about as far from self-improvement as you can get.
So, instead of focusing on how you can improve yourself, we want to teach you some techniques to help raise your self-esteem so that you can believe it too!

Realize Yourself
Before we can self-improve, we really need to know what we want to improve, or to put it another way, we need to address some of the areas in our lives where we are dissatisfied. Now is the time to begin compiling some lists!
Take a large piece of paper and divide it into categories – relationships, career, health, money, fitness, and aspirations, for example. Make a list of all the things that aren’t quite working for you, the aspects of your current situation that you like, and how you’d like it to be in an ideal world.
The act of ‘brain dumping’ itself can be extremely cathartic and aids in clarifying and making sense of situations. It enables you to take positive and actionable steps rather than allowing those thoughts to swirl around in your head.
Never stop learning
Even if school days seem like a lifetime ago, we should never stop learning. Indeed, lifelong learning can give us purpose and foster a growth mindset. When in doubt, try one of the many online distance learning courses. These offer a variety of courses ranging from healthcare and nutrition to journalism, animal care, and IT.
Alternately, join a sports club, learn a new language, or read a book about a subject you’re unfamiliar with. Anything that enriches your mind and motivates you in some way is a great way to feel better about yourself.

Be Your Own Fan
You must always compliment your friends, right? But how often do you praise yourself? We all know the answer!
It’s not easy to sing your own praises and be your own cheerleader. But if we constantly dwell on the negatives and think badly of ourselves, we can sabotage so many of our life goals.
Setting daily check-in habits can help you change the way you speak to yourself.
Keep affirmation cards by your bed and read one every morning.
Smile at yourself first when you look in the mirror.
At the end of each day, write down at least one thing that made you happy that day.
Give yourself a break from your inner critic, and start bragging about yourself.
Take a risk to learn something new.
Sticking your neck out and doing something that scares you will bring you the most satisfaction, so put on your big girl pants and go for it.
Look, it’s OK if you aren’t ready to go skydiving just yet, since for some of us, this is something we are really terrified of. However, how about trying something completely out of character, which makes your tummy tingle, raises your heart rate, and makes you feel alive?
It’s all about getting out of your comfort zone and experiencing new things that make you feel good about yourself. Of course, it’s scary, and no, it’s not easy, but here’s something I will give you completely free of charge: It’s very rewarding, and once you’ve completed it, you’ll feel like you have total control.

Just Do It!
Furthermore, these action items are only successful if you put them into practice. To put it simply, stop procrastinating, stop making excuses, and just do it and that’s how life self-improvement happens.