Can Almonds Help Pre-Diabetes Regulate Sugar And Blood Pressure?
While it is necessary to eat nuts and seeds (in moderation), recent research has demonstrated how useful almonds may be in reducing risk factors linked with pre-diabetes in younger people. How truly beneficial are they? Let us ascertain.
Health benefits of having almonds
Almonds are one of the healthiest types of nuts available and provide a plethora of advantages. It has long been considered that frequent snacking on almonds may also assist manage essential health by improving blood sugar levels, cholesterol levels, bone health, and weight reduction.
A handful of almonds (roughly 28 grams) contains:
- Calories: 161
- Fiber: 3.5 grams
- Protein: 6 grams
- Carbs: 2.5 grams
- Fat: 14 grams
- 37% recommended Vitamin E
- 32% recommended Magnesium
What have studies found?
A new study done in Mumbai discovered that frequent eating of almonds improves glucose metabolism in younger people and adolescents with pre-diabetes. That’s mean almonds help pre-diabetes regulate sugar and blood pressure
The study, which was a controlled trial including individuals aged 16 to 25, examined the impact of almond consumption on metabolic dysfunction and selected inflammatory markers. Each day, the focus group was given 56 grams (about 340 calories) of unroasted almonds as a snack. In comparison, the non-focus group was provided with a standard savory snack.
While the individuals’ weight, height, waist-hip circumference, and fasting glucose levels were all examined, the study’s findings revealed a significant variation in their blood glucose levels. Although no changes in other parameters were found, it was discovered that those in the control group had considerably lower glucose levels than those who did not consume almonds at all. Additionally, variations in total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol levels were detected.
Thus, it was found that almond intake was associated with decreased fasting blood glucose levels and modest changes in biochemical markers.
How do almonds benefit in lowering blood glucose levels?
While prediabetes is a significant risk factor, it is believed that lifestyle modifications and tight management of fasting blood sugar levels might help postpone the start and development of diabetes.
According to experts, almonds are primarily associated with lowering LDL (low-density lipoprotein) or bad cholesterol levels in the body and increasing good cholesterol levels, which contribute to the reduction of inflammation and heart disease, which are also risk factors for prediabetic/ diabetic individuals.
Additionally, the almonds’ considerably high magnesium content helps prevent and control the development of Type 2 diabetes in humans. For prediabetics, it may help control insulin secretion and improve prognosis management. They mitigate oxidative stress, a major risk factor for diabetes and heart disease. One serving of almonds has enough magnesium to meet your daily needs.
Consuming almonds in conjunction with other beneficial dietary practices and physical activity may undoubtedly help make a difference and control blood sugar levels over time.

What other things should you know?
While almonds are a good snacking source for diabetics (and pre-diabetics), there are certain things to remember while having them:
- Unsalted and raw almonds are the best.
- Overnight or soaked almonds can also be had.
- Stick to the daily recommended requirement for better health. Focus on having 8-10 (or a handful) of almonds a day.
- Also, avoid almonds that have added sugar or honey coating on them.
To integrate more almonds into your diet, consider adding them to your bowl of oats or cereal, topping them with yogurt and fresh fruits, choosing almond milk, sprinkling on salads or cooked greens, or making your regular chapatis with almond flour.
Apart from almonds help pre-diabetes regulate sugar and blood pressure, other healthy nuts for diabetics and prediabetics include peanuts, pistachios, and walnuts.