Knowing your skin type is critical if you want healthy, flawless skin. Knowing your skin type enables you to select the appropriate products and tailor a skin care regimen to your specific needs. Consider the following skin types: dry, oily, combination, normal, acne-prone, and sensitive. You may be wondering how on earth you will ever be able to distinguish between all of these skin types! However, do not be alarmed. There are several straightforward methods for determining your skin type.

Conducting a Skin Examination
1. Use a tissue to dab your face.
After washing your face, wait an hour before patting your T-zone with a tissue. Examine the tissue to determine if it has been rubbed with oil. If this is the case, you have either oily or combination skin.
Your T-Zone is comprised of the area between your forehead and nose. The T-zone is so named because the bridge of your nose serves as the base of the “T.” The top of the “T” is formed by the area of your forehead above your brows.
2. Take note of the sensations in your skin.
Your face will feel tight after cleansing if you have dry skin, whereas oily skin will feel cleaner immediately after cleansing. If you have combination skin, your T-zone will feel clean, but your cheeks will feel tight. Sensitive skin may react negatively to certain cleansers, resulting in itchy skin or a rash.
- If you have sensitive skin, certain facial products may cause your face to become red, itchy, or cause a rash.
- As the day progresses, oily skin will begin to feel greasy again.
- If your skin does not fit into any of these categories and you do not have any problem areas, you have normal skin that requires little maintenance! Congratulations!
- At any age, especially if you have an oily skin type, you can develop pimples or acne.
3. Examine yourself in the mirror.
If your face is covered in red, flaky patches, you most likely have dry and/or sensitive skin. If your entire face is shiny, you have oily skin. Combination skin is caused by a combination of the two.
4. Consider the size of your pores.
Your pores will be visible but not excessively large if you have normal skin. Retrace your steps away from the mirror. If your pores are still visible, you have oily skin. If there are no visible pores on your skin, you have dry skin.
Combination skin is caused by the presence of multiple pore sizes on the face, resulting in a mixture of dry, oily, and normal skin.
5. Squeeze your skin.
If your skin wrinkles easily when you apply pressure, you have dry or combination skin. Skin that is oily will feel smooth.
6. Inquire with your dermatologist.
If you’re still unsure about the type of skin you have, your dermatologist can assist you in determining your skin type. If all else fails, they can prescribe over-the-counter medications and perform procedures to treat your dry, oily, sensitive, combination, or acne-prone skin.
Care for the Skin
1. Moisturize dry skin.
Apply a fragrance-free cream to your skin’s dry areas. When showering, avoid using too much soap and use warm, not hot, water.
- Use soap only on the areas of your body that are dirty, such as your armpits, groin, under your breasts, and between your toes. Using soap all over can cause your skin to become dry and irritated.
- Dermatitis can also be caused by dry skin. In this case, apply hydrocortisone ointment to the affected areas.
2. If you have oily skin, cleanse it morning and night.
For 30 seconds to a minute, wash your face with a gentle facial cleanser and warm water. Face products containing benzoyl peroxide, alpha hydroxy acid, and retinoids can be used to treat problem areas. Additionally, you can use products containing glycolic acid or salicylic acid. Purchase a small sample prior to experimenting with these spot treatments or medicated pads to determine which one works best on your face.
- Additionally, blotting paper can be used to remove excess oil from your face. For approximately 15 seconds, press it against the oily area. This will absorb the excess oil and give your face a less shiny appearance.
- Avoid skipping moisturizer. Even oily skin requires hydration; simply use an oil-free moisturizer.
- Avoid using too many products at once to combat oily skin. Excessive drying of the skin can actually cause it to produce more oil to compensate.
3. Discover a treatment that is well-balanced for combination skin.
Wash your face with a fragrance-free, gentle cleanser and avoid soaps that contain harsh chemicals. Consume more foods high in essential fatty acids, such as salmon, flaxseed, and walnuts, or supplement with fish oil. This will assist in moisturizing your skin without adding additional oil.
4. On sensitive or acne-prone skin, use a soap-free facial cleanser.
To avoid skin irritation, use a gentle facial cleanser that contains no fragrance or chemicals. Moisturize your skin to avoid dry spots and breakage. Apply a small amount of skin product behind your ear, then to the side of your eye, and observe how it responds overnight.
5. Maintain adequate hydration.
Consume water to maintain a healthy complexion. If your skin is dehydrated, it will produce more sebum (oil) to keep itself lubricated. Maintaining proper hydration will benefit your skin.