In Just 3 Minutes, 5 Tips To Create An Effortless and Glowy Look
I can’t get enough of clean and natural makeup. Brands have significantly improved their game over the past several years: Gone are the days of failing formulations and dull colors. The choices for clean makeup vary from strong and saturated to delicate washes of color. Additionally, the formulations are effective and long-lasting. Truly, what are you waiting for if you haven’t already made the transition to clean makeup?
“I’ve always believed that if you can do something better for yourself and the environment, why not? And now that the clean beauty business is thriving, there is no excuse not to give it a go “According to Katey Denno, a clean beauty specialist and celebrity makeup artist, in a recent episode of Clean Beauty School. “Now, I would never advise that it’s OK to go without clean beauty skin care and to grab anything that isn’t clean. The clean market is enormous—you can get almost everything.”
We discuss why some people have such a personal connection with makeup, how to maintain a clean cosmetic bag, her go-to products—and, of course, some professional application techniques in this episode. Here are her five simple tips for a revitalizing and effortless glow:
Identify your must-have goods.
If you’re reluctant to attempt clean cosmetic products out of concern that they won’t measure up to their conventional counterparts, Denno advises you to experiment, experiment, experiment.
“For those still on the hunt for the ideal foundation or lipstick, the clean beauty business is similar to the mainstream beauty industry in that there are companies that do it exceptionally well and those that do it poorly,” she explains. “It’s all about reading reviews and looking at items that professional makeup artists share; you can also learn from other individuals in the clean beauty field by searching for #cleanbeauty on social media. Now is an excellent moment to explore.”
Acknowledge “imperfections.”
When I initially began experimenting with cosmetics in high school, my main objective was to conceal perceived faults. I’d rip pages from beautiful magazines that taught me how to conceal a pimple or blur dark circles. While there is nothing wrong with trying to conceal these spots with makeup (I still do! ), embracing skin that does not look airbrushed is now fashionable—and here to stay.
“One good aspect of social media is that it has enabled body acceptance for all sorts of outliers—things like blemishes or birthmarks are no longer seen as flaws,” Denno explains. “I believe that a lot of companies have elevated the status of not needing to hide your face with foundation or concealer. Makeup is not about achieving flawless skin—it is about the creativity involved in painting on your face.”
Cleanse your mascara to Create An Effortless and Glowy Look
“I usually begin with mascara since it has always been my first priority,” she adds. Applying mascara helps to brighten and open up the eyes—as well as making them seem bigger. “ILIA’s mascara is without a doubt the finest on the market.” (For the record, I completely concur and have waxed lyrical about my admiration for the product as well.)
And there are legitimate reasons to switch to clean products, particularly for mascara: Using clean eye products has been proven to be the most important. This is because it has been shown that the eye region absorbs the majority of substances that come into touch with it. According to one research, individuals who used conventional mascara had substantially greater amounts of endocrine disruptors in their bodies, such as parabens and phthalates.
Make use of multipurpose balms.
“You’ll want a clean lip balm in particular since you’ll be using it many times a day,” she adds. While you’re at it, look for a simple solution that serves multiple purposes.
“Axiology has been creating lipsticks for years, but Lip-to-Lid Balmie is their first. They are the most environmentally friendly little crayons available “she asserts. “They’re very adorable, give a burst of bright color to any skin tone, and come in a variety of hues. Therefore, pick something that looks nice on you and that you like, and then swipe it over your cheeks, eyes, and lips. And it’s very comfortable to wear. It’s ideal for beginners.”
Embrace the gleam.
Shine is your friend in the era of video conversations and social media photos: It adds dimension and radiance. “You can really overload it and not go wrong—you want to lean toward highlighter or toward it if you have a lot of natural facial oil. If you have oily skin, embrace it to Create An Effortless and Glowy Look! And for those of us who are bone-dry, I recommend adding Weleda Skin Food “she asserts. “Then it’s just a matter of placing them on your face’s high plains, nasal bridge, and Cupid’s bow.”