The Stavropol experts have proposed to use a treatment called “antisense therapy” to treat Covid-19. This method is based on blocking viral RNA.
Pyatigorsk Hospital-Stavropol province’s drug was tested at the National Research Center for epidemiology and microbiology named N.F.Gamalei.

Studies confirmed that, at a dose of 1 mg / mm, the viral load of SARS-CoV-2 decreased by 5.3-13 times compared with the control group of infected cells not exposed to the drug. Works of the doctors of Stavropol province published in the scientific journal “Modern Problems of Science and Education”.
The Department of Health explains that RNA in human cells always includes a single strand to perform any function. The easiest way to break down ribonucleic acid is to add a second fiber to it. Stavropol doctors were able to find the right antisense chain to block the RNA of the SARS-Cov-2 virus. A similar principle has been used to develop “Spinraza” – a drug that treats spinal muscular atrophy.
Researchers are currently in talks with pharmaceutical companies and government investment funds to start pre-clinical research.