Russia’s stray dogs with bright-coloured fur

Recently, an account called @ConcernedApe posted a photo of a herd of green dogs with the quote: “While the world is still living in peace, we have discovered that the dog has blue hair in Russia”.

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This blue-haired gang was discovered near an abandoned chemical factory in the city of Dzerzhinsk, 370km east of Moscow. As soon as the photos were posted, everyone wondered and wondered if the chemical plant caused the dogs’ hair to turn green, whether their health was affected by chemical hordes?

Russia's stray dogs with bright-coloured fur

It is known that this factory used to be the place to produce two types of chemicals: Plexiglass and Hydrocyanic Acid. Although closed six years ago, but some buildings still contain chemicals such as copper sulfate, most likely dogs have been playing around and accidentally dyed their fur.

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Russian animal rights activists got involved and sought to bring 7 dogs to the vet. At the hospital, doctors claimed that these dogs had no health complications, except for the blue coat like cartoon characters.

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It is known that these dogs have lived here for a long time and often rushed to the street to block the car whenever visitors passed by.


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