Sky News reported that, after the New Year’s Eve was quite bleak because of the last Covid-19 epidemic, the streets of Rome (Italy) suddenly had a phenomenon of mass deaths, dead birds on the ground. A very strange phenomenon, and made experts immediately start to find out.
Currently, according to the International Animal Protection Organization (IOPA), the cause of the incident has not been confirmed. However, most likely the reason is because of one New Year’s Eve specialty: fireworks.

Accordingly, the fireworks displays were carried out close to the area where birds live. Loredana Diglio, spokesperson for the organization said: “They can even die from fear. When there is an explosion, they all panic up and they can bump into each other, or bump into windows and wires. Also, don’t forget that birds can die from a heart attack. “
It is known that Italy still carries out fireworks in the context of the ban on gathering still in place in Rome, with a curfew after 10pm due to the influence of Covid-19. But after the incident, the IOPA branch has called for a ban on the sale of fireworks for personal use, in order to limit the danger to animals.
RSPB, a wild bird protection organization in the UK, says there is little evidence that fireworks can harm wild birds. However, they think more studies are needed to ensure the conservation of current birds.
“To minimize the harm from fireworks (if any) to the birds, we urge fireworks organizers to avoid sensitive places, such as sanctuaries and wild bird nesting areas. “