What Teenage Girls Should Be Wary About Their Sexual Health?

Sexual health plays an extremely important role for any woman of any age. But this knowledge will become necessary for teenage girls to get more information on how to take care of themselves. At this time, girls’ reproductive health is more likely to have problems due to a lack of sexual health care knowledge such as the weird smell in their vagina, acne in the private area, and dangerously, pain in the vagina.

Here are some sexual health care tips that girls should know:

Choose quality and suitable intimate hygiene products for your body

One of the most preferred methods of private area care is lady care, a personal care product used during menstruation, vaginal discharges, and other bodily functions related to the vulva and vagina. It also helps girls keep them clean and prevent gynecological diseases. However, remember to choose good products and don’t overuse them if you want to be healthy.

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Stop using stimulants

At the age of being curious about everything, especially alcohol, and tobacco, many young people practice using it out of curiosity. These girls want to show off with their friends and often use it to show their strength. But stimulants such as tobacco, and alcohol not only affect their health but also harm their reproductive health. Abusing too many of these stimulants can lead to irregular periods, hormone disorders, etc. Moreover, these can be one of the factors that make people infertile. 

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Routine gynecological examination

Regardless of your age, whether you have had sex or not, regular gynecological exams still play an extremely important role in helping us monitor reproductive health and timely detect and treat. Especially for young girls, having a reproductive health check at least every 6 months will create conditions for you to get help and advice from your doctor on knowledge and how to take care of the private area accurately.

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Safe sex

Sex is a curious topic for adolescents, but it is a sensitive issue for the safety and sexual health of girls. Ignorant sex has many serious consequences since symptoms of an infection in the female genital area can affect fertility later in life. Therefore, girls need to have enough knowledge to protect and take care of themselves before having sex.  Furthermore, girls need to clearly discuss with their partners their gynecological and male health status, ensuring that neither side has sexually transmitted diseases. 

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Urgent treatment of sexually transmitted diseases

Embrace sexually transmitted diseases, especially at young ages, which can cause unforeseeable consequences. If treatment is not rushed and detected in time, it is easy to spread to the partner and can dangerously lead to infertility. Therefore, girls need to maintain a reproductive health examination (at least 6 months/time) to monitor their health and promptly treat them.

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These are some care tips for teenage girls to take care of their sexual health easily and effectively. Remember to learn more about reproductive health and take care of yourself. Besides, parents and schools should have more conversations with girls about this issue. 

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