The health advantages and precautions of consuming plant-based milk

Plant-based milk is low in fat and rich in good-quality protein, making it entirely healthy for you. Besides the health benefits, you should take note of the following issues.

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Because plant-based milk originates from plants, it doesn’t contain lactose or cholesterol and is very low in saturated fats, making it suitable for most people’s body types. However, the nutritional content and calorie levels vary between different plant-based milk options, so it’s important to read the labels to meet your desired nutritional needs carefully.

Nowadays, numerous milk products are available in the market, allowing consumers to choose according to their preferences. Most milk manufacturers tend to add sugar, sweeteners, or flavorings to their products.

Soy Milk

soy milk

Research indicates that soy milk is the most nutritionally balanced plant-based milk among dairy alternatives. Made from soybeans, this milk is suitable for individuals who are lactose intolerant. Additionally, soy milk is cholesterol-free but rich in monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids, which help reduce cholesterol and enhance heart health.

Note: Due to its high-calorie content, consuming soy milk can lead to weight gain. Soybeans are a common allergen, so drinking this milk may cause swelling, hives, diarrhea, bloating, headaches, and nausea in some individuals.

Almond Milk

raw almond milk recipe
Unsweetened almond milk is low in calories and contains few carbohydrates, making it suitable for those following a low-carb diet. According to experts, this milk is an effective alternative for individuals allergic to or unable to tolerate cow’s milk. It’s also a plentiful source of vitamin E, beneficial for skin, hair, and eyes.

Note: Adding sugar to almond milk can diminish its healthiness. Almond milk is not suitable for individuals allergic to nuts, and it shouldn’t be given to young children due to its low protein and calorie content.

Coconut Milk

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Made from coconut meat, coconut milk has a sweet, mild flavor and lower protein content compared to almond milk. Among plant-based milks, coconut milk contains a small amount of triglycerides, which is beneficial for overall health. Additionally, the triglycerides in coconut milk improve body energy levels and boost the immune system.

Note: Due to its high saturated fat content, excessive consumption of coconut milk can lead to weight gain and increased levels of bad cholesterol, raising the risk of heart disease and stroke. Coconut milk also contains fermentable carbohydrates, which can lead to digestive issues in individuals with irritable bowel syndrome.

Oat Milk

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With its natural sweetness from oats, oat milk is rich in vitamins and calcium, promoting bone health. Compared to other plant-based milks, oat milk has a smoother texture due to its high soluble fiber content, but it also has the highest calorie and carbohydrate content.

The natural soluble fiber in oat milk helps us feel fuller for longer, while beta-glucan fiber helps reduce cholesterol and stabilize blood sugar.

Note: Adding sugar to oat milk can affect digestive health and alter the gut microbiota.

Rice Milk

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Rice milk has a high carbohydrate content but is the least allergenic among plant-based kinds of milk, with the highest levels of manganese and selenium. Antioxidants in rice milk help the body prevent infections and enhance the immune system. Due to its low-fat content, rice milk is suitable for those pursuing weight loss and lowering cholesterol.

Note: Because of its high carb content, rice milk is not suitable for diabetic patients. Infants and young children should not consume rice milk due to its inorganic arsenic content, which is not beneficial for health.


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