When you have adult acne, it’s natural to feel alone, as if you’re the only person over the age of 18 who has outbreaks. However, between 12% and 22% of women between the ages of 26 and 44 suffer from acne, and the percentage is growing by the day (on the other hand, only around 3 percent of adult men experience the condition). In our new series Acne Diaries, we’re interviewing prominent women who also have acne about their connection with their skin and the treatments they use to keep it healthy. Trinity Mouzon Wofford, the creator of Golde, is up next.
Today, Trinity Mouzon Wofford is all about treating her skin gently—which makes sense given her role as co-founder and CEO of Golde, a superfood powder and face mask business dedicated to making self-care enjoyable and accessible to all. However, she has not always followed the holistic path she currently follows.

Wofford began breaking out as a teen, after poring over Teen Vogue articles and pelting her skin with every drying over-the-counter medication available in her pharmacy, with little success. “I discovered that a lot of that things stripped my skin, which had no long-term benefit,” she says Glamour. Though her acne was never severe enough to warrant treatment with something like Accutane, she claims she has had a “constant stream” of breakouts on her face and shoulders since she was 13.
“It’s always been something at the back of my mind, and I’m constantly trying to find out how to treat it in a way that’s long-lasting and doesn’t wreak havoc on my skin,” she adds. “And with my experience, and especially as a Black woman, if you have a breakout, you are going to have scarring.”
In college, she adopted more natural beauty routines, using therapies such as Manuka honey masks and emphasizing the need of nurturing her skin from the inside out. “I was attempting to strike a balance of, ‘You are not going to eliminate every pimple, but you can bring your skin to a healthy state where you feel good about it,’” she explains. This fascination with the confluence of beauty care and wellness eventually prompted her to establish Golde, which began with powdered superfood lattes and two face masks inspired by the beverages.
Though her products have significantly helped with her breakouts, Wofford admits that as the founder of a company, she still feels pressure to make her skin look a specific way. “If you’re going to go on an Instagram Live or something similar and are discussing the aesthetic advantages of a product while also struggling with a hormonal breakout, that may be difficult to reconcile,” she adds. She makes an effort not to let it get in the way, and is encouraged by the more recent environment of body acceptance.
“I believe it’s more difficult to just show up in that setting if I’m experiencing a very obvious breakout on my face,” she adds. “However, I believe we’re in an era now when… Every day, as I read through Instagram Stories, I feel as though someone is saying, ‘Oh, my God, this pimple.’ However, the tone is much different—more it’s along the lines of, ‘Shout out to this pimple that appeared on my face today.’ Nobody enjoys discovering they have a new zit. However, I believe there is a feeling of community and acceptance, a recognition of the truth, particularly for women, that breakouts are frequently caused by natural hormonal fluctuations in our bodies. Acne or a breakout is not always indicative of a condition of imbalance. It’s something that practically everyone experiences at some point in their lives.”
Not only is her skin considerably healthier than it was in high school, but so is her attitude toward it. “Since then, my connection with myself has shifted,” she explains. “The way I treated my skin was highly indicative of my self-esteem. What’s really wonderful is that we’re witnessing a significant transition in the beauty business toward a more wellness-oriented tone. Now you do a face mask for self-care, not to repair something.
“There is much more patience and a sense of regard and care for my body and skin for me, as opposed to feeling at odds with my body,” she says. “Perhaps things aren’t precisely how I’d like them to be today, but that’s beside the point. I’m just grateful to have what I have and to be able to focus on nourishing my body and skin rather than fighting it.”
Wofford discusses the things she’s presently using to keep her skin happy in the video below.
My water filter
I have a water filter that is attached to my shower. It’s from AquaBliss and is available on Amazon. I purchased the shower filter in 2018—I had recently relocated to Brooklyn from upstate New York and my skin was revolting. I discovered that one of the primary reasons for this was the water itself—different minerals, varying amounts of chlorine. I’ve discovered that utilizing a shower filter really helps with reducing all of that. While chlorine is necessary for our water to prevent sickness, it can also be rather harsh on the skin. It may cause irritation and outbreaks, as well as scalp problems. That is my starting point. I’m always using a shower filter.
My mask
When I made that decision in 2018, I was experiencing breakouts and want a long-term solution. I had always struggled with some degree of acne and scarring, but at that moment, it felt as though it had reached its zenith. I felt as though the rate at which I was developing fresh breakouts and subsequently scarring was growing because the scars took time to fade and then new pimples appeared every single day.
I was upset and lacking confidence as a result, and it was out of desperation that I raided Golde’s product cabinet and began applying superfoods to my skin. I decided I’d try what some superfoods might do for me, given how beneficial they are on an inside level. That was a prototype for the Clean Greens mask, and the difference was astounding.
The before and after photos continue to amaze me because it’s not as if I’m not still prone to breakouts. It’s not as if you click a button and your skin instantly becomes flawless. However, the imbalance that existed at the time, the inflammation and hyperpigmentation, have been considerably reduced. Of course, I still get a few pimples a month, but that’s to be expected, and it’s not a huge problem. That has changed the game for me. I used the mask three to five times a week when I was actively treating my acne. Now I practice it once a week, and it appears to be quite beneficial.
My body gel
I’ve always experienced back and shoulder breakouts, which scar really horribly. Thus, I recently began utilizing the company Soft Services, and I enjoy their products. I like the exfoliating gel; I haven’t used it long enough to see a difference, but my skin does feel much softer. I believe it aids with exfoliation, preventing me from developing as many blocked pores and other issues.
My washcloth
I have a washcloth that I use on my body that is really beneficial for severe exfoliation, which I feel is the most effective way to combat body breakouts. It is referred to as Care. I purchased it at a health food shop, and it is an excellent exfoliating washcloth.
My body butter
Additionally, there is a body butter that I enjoy using since it does not clog my pores or anything else, which is essential for me with my back and shoulders. It’s manufactured by a business named Yesfolk. They are really a kombucha manufacturer headquartered in upstate New York, but they also create this amazing, all-natural body butter that I like. It has no scent; it is a very lovely blend of shea and cocoa butter, as well as a few others. It’s really straightforward and effective. That is suitable for use on the body; I will even apply it to my face. It does not clog my pores at all, which I adore.
My serum
I’m also a huge fan of Supernal’s new serum; it’s fantastic. I’m not sure what’s in it, but I adore her oil. The serum is a little more lightweight, and it has the appearance of being a little more active. It’s beneficial for clearing my skin slightly and softening it while still nourishing it.
My pimple patches
The Mighty Patch by Hero Cosmetics is one of my favorite products. I am able to obtain the unseen ones. You may make Zoom calls without any difficulty. It’s fantastic.