What You Need To Know About Vaginal Contraceptive Film?

Is there a method to retain the sensation of sublimation while getting “closer” yet remaining safe, whether to prevent undesired pregnancy or not? Because some individuals feel uneasy and entangled as a result of the condom barrier, what more is there? ILLUME will expose you to another technique called Vaginal Contraceptive Film that allows you to “genuinely” connect with your partner without the risk of becoming pregnant.

What You Need To Know About Vaginal Contraceptive Film
What You Need To Know About Vaginal Contraceptive Film

1/ What exactly is a vaginal contraceptive film (VCF)?

The vaginal contraceptive film (VCF) is a super-thin, hormone-free film that is placed into the vagina and dissolves, releasing nonoxynol-9, a substance that destroys sperm (spermicide). VCF films are available without a prescription. They are meant to be used throughout all sexual encounters.

2/ Vaginal contraceptive film contraceptive method (VCF)

The diaphragm is composed of 28 percent Nonoxynol-9. It is a very potent spermicide. As a result, it is an effective contraceptive. Additionally, this chemical acts to inactivate or delay the motility of sperm. Even when coupled with other chemicals, it is possible to damage the sperm flagellum’s flagella or mitochondria.

Vaginal secretions quickly destroy the diaphragm once placed into the vagina. This fluid may either flow naturally from the vagina after intercourse or be readily removed while washing the genitals.

This is the same procedure as when a spermicidal gel is used.

3/ Advantages and Disadvantages


  • Hormone-free (beneficial for individuals who are sensitive to birth control alternatives including estrogen and progestin) (lasts for three hours post-insertion)
  • When used in conjunction with a condom, aids in increasing the efficacy of pregnancy prevention.
  • Neither spouse is aware of it.
  • Simple to use—non-staining and non-messy
  • Small (2-inch square)—sold in packets that are individually sealed
  • Easily accessible over the counter at pharmacies and online


  • Does not provide protection against HIV or other sexually transmitted diseases(STDs)
  • Frequent use of VCFs or other products containing nonoxynol-9 may irritate the vaginal area, thus increasing the risk of contracting STDs.
  • Spermicidal techniques have a greater failure rate than many other birth control methods when used alone.

4/ How to Use It

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VCF must be injected manually into the vagina. It disintegrates practically instantly after implantation. Nothing needs to be removed.

You or your spouse may introduce the VCF film; however, it is critical to put it deep enough into the vagina to make contact with the cervix. You should ensure that you or your spouse can find your cervix with a finger in order for it to be properly positioned.

VCF must be injected at least 15 minutes before to intercourse in order to dissolve fully and function properly.

Each time you have intercourse, a fresh film must be used. Once injected, it will give up to three hours of pregnancy prevention. VCF has a five-year shelf life.

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