White spots on the skin from tanning bed

Fungus on the skin

If you use tanning beds, it is possible that fungus is the source of your white patches. Due to the fact that tanning beds are frequently humid places where numerous individuals sweat and come into touch with the same surface, they are known to be fungal breeding grounds.

Once the tanning lamps are turned off, germs might begin to grow in the dark, moist environment. Despite the fact that it is unclear how frequently fungus is caught via tanning beds, and despite the fact that many tanning salons follow strict cleanliness standards, it is recommended that you consult your doctor if you find any suspicious white patches on your skin.

Tinea versicolor (variegated tinea)

Tinea Versicolor is a skin disease that develops when a naturally occurring yeast present on the skin called pityrosporum ovale multiplies uncontrolled and begins to alter the colour of the skin’s surface. When this occurs, areas of skin may become brighter or darker in color as a result.

There are a lot of reasons that can contribute to Tinea versicolor development, including hot temperatures, greasy skin, a compromised immune system, hormonal changes, and excessive perspiration. This skin ailment is most typically encountered in teens and young adults, although it can also occur in adults who travel to warm and humid regions on a regular basis.

White spots on the skin from tanning bed

Skin discoloration caused by tinea versicolor may usually be treated with prescription or over-the-counter antifungal medicines, which are effective in removing the discolored patches or spots. If these drugs do not relieve your symptoms, you should consult your doctor for further testing to determine whether or not you have tinea versicolor. A topical cream or prescription tablets may be prescribed by a doctor to address the condition.

Many patients are able to completely eradicate the infection, although the skin may stay discolored for a period of time following the therapy, which can last anywhere from a few weeks to several months. The condition can also flare up again from time to time, particularly if the patient returns to a warm climate or begins taking hormone medicine.


Pre-existing skin pigmentation problems may become more noticeable when tanning is used. Vitiligo is an example of such a condition. It is a skin condition characterized by the development of white spots on the skin. It happens when melanocyte cells cease to produce melanin, either as a result of their death or as a result of their failure to function.

Although the exact cause of vitiligo is unknown, this skin disorder is considered to be caused by an autoimmune illness. It can manifest itself at any age and on any region of the body, including the face. The white spots may expand across the body at times, while at other times they may stay the same size throughout the body. Vitiligo is a skin condition that often begins as a tiny, pale spot on the skin that eventually develops into a bigger area of skin.

Even though vitiligo is generally considered harmless and non-contagious, it can create emotional and psychological pain in those who suffer from it because of its visual look. Several therapies, including corticosteroid creams, depigmentation treatments, and UVA and UVB phototherapy, can help to decrease the appearance of vitiligo.

Some of these therapies have negative side effects, so it is best to discuss them with a doctor before proceeding.

Lichen sclerosis is a kind of lichen.

Lichen sclerosis is an uncommon skin disease that causes thin patches of white skin to appear on the skin’s surface. With continued tanning, these spots might become increasingly visible and noticeable. A long-term disease characterized by white spots on the skin, this form of white spot generally manifests itself on the genital area.

It is most prevalent in women who have just gone through menopause, although it can also affect men and children in certain circumstances. Itchy, fragile, wrinkled or thickened skin, blisters, and pain when having sex or going to the bathroom are all common symptoms. Smooth white spots on the skin that merge together and become cracked or painful are also common.

While the exact origin of lichen sclerosis is unknown, hormone abnormalities, as well as a hyperactive immune system, are thought to be contributing factors. It is not infectious and cannot be passed on through sexual contact with another person.

There is presently no treatment for this illness, although it is possible to control the symptoms with the use of steroid creams and ointments. When used appropriately, the creams can generally help to reduce or completely eliminate symptoms.


Occasionally, the white patches are just scars that have grown more noticeable as a result of the tanning process. Because of the injury to the tissue, the pigmentation in certain regions of the skin has been removed. When you tan, the scars become more visible because the skin surrounding them is darker.

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