10 fruits and veggies that are your best summer savior

Rõ ràng, trong cái nóng oi ả của mùa hè, cơ thể bạn sẽ đổ mồ hôi như suối. Dù bạn ở trong nhà hay chạy bộ bên ngoài, khó có thể bàn cãi rằng cái nóng mùa hè sẽ ít ảnh hưởng đến cơ thể bạn. Do đó, cơ thể bạn sẽ mất nước nhanh hơn và dễ cảm thấy kiệt sức trong mùa nóng này.

Vậy đâu là giải pháp thiết thực cho vấn đề đang được quan tâm này? Uống nhiều nước hơn nữa? Nghe có vẻ hợp pháp, nhưng không đủ. Nước cần thiết cho sức khỏe con người, nhưng nó không tự cung cấp nước cho cơ thể. Trên thực tế, nhiều loại trái cây và rau quả có thể giúp mọi người tăng cường hydrat hóa và cung cấp nước cho cơ thể. Dưới đây là danh sách ngắn gọn về 10 loại trái cây và rau mùa hè có chứa ít nhất 85% nước, khiến chúng trở thành một lựa chọn tuyệt vời để cung cấp nước cho cơ thể.


  1. Dưa hấu

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Dưa hấu là một loại trái cây mang tính biểu tượng của mùa hè; và trên thực tế, việc tìm mua dưa hấu ở chợ hè là một miếng bánh. Nước dưa, như tên của nó, chứa 91.45 nước phần trăm, và cũng bao gồm vitamin A, B1, B2 và C, tất cả đều có thể giúp cơ thể nghỉ lại ngậm nước.

Ngoài ra, dưa hấu có các chất đường bột như glucose, sucrose, malic acid, glutamic acid, arginine… có tác dụng giải nhiệt, lợi tiểu, giảm huyết áp.

Có rất nhiều cách để thưởng thức dưa hấu trong mùa hè nóng nực, chẳng hạn như bạn có thể cắt nó thành những miếng hình tam giác, làm kem dưa hấu hoặc một ly nước ép dưa hấu tươi, bạn có thể gọi tên nó.

  1. Dâu tây

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Strawberries are a must-have on any list of cool summer fruits. Because this fruit includes up to 90.95 percent water and vitamin C, its high fiber content and low-calorie count are extremely good to one’s health.

Strawberries include antioxidants that protect the body from free radical damage.

Strawberries also assist the body minimize sensitivity to light by increasing blood flow to the skin.

A strawberry smoothie is all you need to soothe your soul and body’s dehydration during this summer heat.

  1. Cantaloupe

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Cantaloupe is also high in water content, making it a good source of hydration for the body. This melon is 90.15 percent water and high in vitamins A and C, both of which are excellent to the hair and skin.

Furthermore, cantaloupe is high in polyphenol antioxidants, which can help prevent cancer. Cantaloupe can be served as a dessert, salad, or drink.

Cantaloupe melon salads are ideal for picnics, beach days, and boat cruises.

  1. Peaches

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Peaches are more than simply a tasty summer fruit; in fact, they are also high in vitamins A, C, E and K. Furthermore, peaches contain 88.87 percent water, making them another fantastic fruit for dehydration.

The antioxidants beta carotene and lutein are components that form one peach’s color. According to some study, the antioxidants in peaches may have cancer-fighting effects. Peaches are high in fiber and low in calories, so they are the best ingredient if you are on a diet.

They are excellent when eaten raw or with yogurt, but another fantastic option to prepare the perfect hydration-boosting beverage is to freeze fresh peaches and place them in sparkling water.

  1. Oranges

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Oranges have the highest vitamin C content of any fruit, making them excellent for increasing the body’s immunity. Oranges contain 86.75 percent water, which is somewhat less hydrated than the other selections on our list but is still worth the attention.

According to research, eating an orange every day helps to avoid cancer.

Eat oranges on a daily basis or drink orange, lemon, or grapefruit juice to boost the body’s immunity and prevent dehydration.


  1. Cucumber

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Cucumber is a refreshing fruit that helps to cleanse the body and enhance the skin. Cucumber contains up to 96.73 percent water, making it an excellent source of hydration for the body throughout the heat.

Cucumbers have no calories and are a great summer snack. Cucumber helps to regulate urine flow and eliminate uric acid. It not only improves the skin, but it also increases the water and fiber content of the body.

Cucumbers are also recognized as an excellent summer snack due to its anti-inflammatory and heat-reducing characteristics.

Cucumbers can be served with other vegetables or fruits. In addition, you may use cucumber to produce juice, and making a skin mask is also a fantastic idea.

  1. Lettuce

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Considering romaine lettuce is 95 percent water, your green salad is really simply green H2O. Despite the fact that this light green, crunchy lettuce type is not as nutrient dense as some of its leafy green relatives, still it provides health advantages.

It includes fiber, vitamins A and K, potassium, and zinc while being low in carbs and sugar. People might be shocked to find that lettuce can help them sleep.

A solid salad with a base of lettuce and piled with fresh produce isn’t just a delicious meal—it can be an excellent option for those looking to introduce some additional water into their system.

  1. Celery

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Celery contains around 95.43 percent water. This vegetable is high in fiber, vitamins A and K, minerals, and flavonoids, all of which are beneficial to the health.

According to health experts, the flavonoids molecules found in celery protect cells from inflammation and damage.

Celery can be served as a snack or a smoothie, all of which benefits your body’s health and dehydration.

  1. Tomatoes

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Tomatoes are another well-known food that is also extremely good to one’s health and aesthetics. Tomatoes are an antioxidant-rich fruit that contains roughly 94.52 percent water, making it a great rehydration food for the body in the heat.

Two tomatoes are worth the same as one cup of water, making it an excellent choice for regular meals.

Tomatoes include a high concentration of vitamins C, K, lycopene, beta-carotene, as well as a large number of critical minerals such as potassium, manganese, magnesium, copper, iron, zinc, soluble fiber… all of which assist to increase the body’s resistance, detoxification, and cooling.

Tomatoes can be eaten raw, mixed with other vegetables to make salads, or squeezed into juice.

  1. Spinach


Spinach, like other vegetables, is a healthful vegetable. Spinach not only contains 91.4 percent water, but it also provides vitamins and other components that are good to the body, such as calcium, iron, potassium, fiber, vitamin A and K, and folate.

In the summer, you should include more green vegetables, such as spinach, in your daily diet to enhance your health and to beautify your skin and natural hair.

Bạn cũng có thể sử dụng rau bina để làm món salad hoặc xào, cả hai đều tuyệt vời. Rau bina làm nền tuyệt vời cho món salad. Mọi người cũng có thể trộn nó thành một ly sinh tố với trái cây ngọt. Đối với những người thấy rau bina quá đắng, trộn nó với trái cây ngọt trong sinh tố có thể giúp cân bằng vị giác.

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