It is astonishing to know that daily habits that may seem harmless to us but in reality, those habits can affect the health of the about to be born baby
The period of having a baby inside her stomach is the most crucial period of time for a woman. A lot of care and attention must be taken in order to make sure the baby is healthy. But not many of us know that some of our daily activities can affect negatively on the baby. Today, Illume-eMag will let you know about harmful habits that can affect the baby.
Lie on your back
When lying on the back, the weight of the fetus presses on the mother’s arteries, hindering the transport of blood, oxygen, and nutrients to the placenta. If this happens regularly, it will increase the risk of malnourished fetus, miscarriage, stillbirth.
Take a hot bath
Taking a bath that is too hot or too long will affect the mother’s body temperature and blood pressure fluctuations. When exposed to hot water, due to reflexes, the heart rate increases, increasing blood pressure. Then, the mother’s body temperature rises, which will dilate the blood vessels throughout the body, which reduces blood pressure, possibly lower than before bathing. As a result, the mother’s body temperature and blood pressure will fluctuate abnormally. This is absolutely not good for the operation of blood, oxygen, and nutrients through the placenta to feed the baby, affecting the baby’s growth and development.
Mother is less exposed to the sun
Sunlight is an important element to help the body synthesize vitamin D, good for the bone system, necessary for the absorption of calcium and phosphorus. If the mother is not exposed to sunlight, it will affect the development of the fetus’s skeletal system, which can make the baby weak at birth, osteoporosis, osteomalacia, or convulsions due to hypocalcemia.
Spending too much time using the telephone
Excessive use of the telephone is extremely dangerous, because when using the phone, the electromagnetic waves of the phone will affect the development of the fetus, specifically the brain is prone to cognitive disorders or problems. reduced concentration in children. In addition, the light emitted from the phone interferes with the secretion of the hormone melatonin, making the mother’s sleep disturbed, insomnia, stressed.
Eat spicy food
There are many pregnant women who have a preference for spicy food, but this hobby is not good. In spicy foods, there are anesthetic substances, which have the ability to paralyze the fetal nervous system and make the baby unable to develop normally, even affecting the baby’s nervous system function. Moreover, when eating spicy, it is very easy to make pregnant women suffer from constipation, digestive irritation, digestive disorders …
The habit of rubbing the belly
The doctor said that if the mother has a habit of rubbing her belly, it will cause uterine contractions, disturbing the fetus, increasing the risk of miscarriage. Especially in the last months, if you rub your belly regularly, it will increase uterine contractions which can cause irregular labor.
Makeup routine
For cheap, poor-quality cosmetics, after use, they will penetrate through the mucous membranes and skin, diffuse into the blood, and affect the development of the fetus. Even after birth, those toxic substances remain in the blood in the breast milk causing harm to the baby.
Drink stimulant drinks
In addition to drinks such as alcohol and beer that are on the prohibited list for pregnant women, drinks containing caffeine ingredients such as tea, coffee, etc. are also not allowed for pregnant women. Because when using substances that contain caffeine, it will increase the mother’s heart rate and blood pressure, which can later lead to other dangerous complications such as pre-eclampsia, eclampsia, fetal failure, stillbirth. risk of miscarriage…
Due to the pressure of work and family, the mother is stressed, but do you know that the mother’s mood has a profound effect on the child. If during pregnancy, the mother is often stressed, depressed, sad or worried, etc., when the baby is born, there is very little chance of smiling. Even more severe cases can make the baby dangerously depressed. In general, a mother’s mood can have a profound effect on the child’s personality and brain.
Eat and drink cold drinks
When a pregnant woman drinks or eats cold food, it will cause the blood vessels in the abdomen and cervix to constrict, hindering the blood circulation to the fetus, affecting the child’s later maturation process. Pregnant women should abstain from eating and drinking cold foods because of their adverse effects on the development of the fetus. Pregnant women should abstain from eating and drinking cold foods because of their adverse effects on the development of the fetus