15 signs of liver disease

When the liver is problematic and not working properly, in addition to common signs such as jaundice, yellow eyes, loss of appetite, weight loss, etc.

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Here are 15 liver warning signs that you should be on the lookout for.


Primary cholangitis is a chronic disease that destroys the bile ducts in the liver, often causing itchy skin. In particular, itchy skin is also a sign of cirrhosis.


Rapid weight gain

Don’t think it’s dangerous just to lose weight. If you suddenly gain unexplained weight, it could be a sign of cirrhosis. Blocking blood flow through the liver, causing the liver to not work properly and causing fluid retention in the abdomen, increases weight.

rapid weight gain

Palmar erythema

That could be due to fatty liver disease. It is caused by disorders of Androgen balance caused by the disease, leading to local vasodilation and erythema.

Enlarged breasts in men (gynecomastia)

One of the most shocking warning signs of fatty liver disease is enlarged breasts in men.
It is caused by an imbalance of the hormones Estrogen and Testosterone caused by the disease, leading to the development of excess breast tissue, called gynecomastia.

Personality changes

When the liver is impaired, it is not possible to remove toxins from the blood, which can cause toxins to build up in the brain – called hepatic encephalopathy, which can impair nerve function, alter personality.

Bruising easily

Bruises are caused by impaired liver function that slows or stops the production of proteins necessary for blood clotting, causing bleeding.

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These are signs of chronic liver disease or cirrhosis.

Swelling of the legs or ankles

A common warning sign that few people expect is swelling of the legs and ankles, caused by a buildup of fluid in the legs, caused by leaking blood vessels in the body.

Feeling pain more than usual

Systemic pain caused by primary cholangitis can lead to bone, muscle, or joint pain.


The accumulation of fluid in the abdomen, called ascites, is one of the warning signs of liver damage, requiring immediate medical attention.

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Dark urine

This is also one of the warning signs of liver damage.
The pigment bilirubin is secreted by the liver more in the body, which can change the color of urine.

Frequent chills

Chronic cold can be a sign of cholestasis in liver disease, which experts at Johns Hopkins Medicine say occurs when the organ’s bile flow is reduced or stopped completely.

Sjogren’s syndrome

This is the early symptom of primary cholangitis.

Sleep disorders

A 2012 study published in the Egyptian Journal of Chest Diseases, found that one culprit that causes trouble sleeping is cirrhosis.

sleep disorders

Symptoms of dementia

Liver encephalopathy, with toxins building up in the brain, can also lead to mental problems.

Chronic fatigue

One of the most common signs of liver damage is chronic fatigue, which can occur due to changes in neurotransmitters in the brain.

Hopefully the above sharing will be useful for you. Thank you!


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