The brain is an important part of our body, its capabilities are what make us unique and different from other species.
There are many different methods to improve your brain capability and healthiness which include eating function food and using your mind to solve problems. People tend to focus on using their to solve problems but forget to give their brains sufficient energy after a long period of thinking. Because of this problem, today, Illume will help you find out what types of food can be used to improve your brain abilities.

Many people believe that coffee only helps wake your body up after a long night’s sleep, but they don’t know that coffee can also help you improve your brain health. Thanks to a large amount of caffeine, coffee can provide your brain with some impressive effects on your brain. These effects include: alertness increase, mood improvement, and concentration sharpening. Long-term consumption of coffee can reduce the risk of diseases such as Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s. It is suggested that to greatly reduce these risks, three to four cups per day is ideal.
Fatty fish

Fatty fish is considered a must-have when referring to foods for your brain health. These fishes contain a rich source of omega-3 fatty acids which is 60% of what your brain is made of. Omega-3s are used to build your own brain and nerve cells, these omega-3 fatty acids are also crucial for learning and memorizing. Furthermore, Omega-3 fatty acids also help defend your brain against Alzheimer’s disease. Some studies pointed out that people who eat fish frequently also tend to have more grey matter which improves decision making, memory, and emotion.

Aside from playing crucial roles in improving your skin, turmeric also has some positive influences on your brain. Turmeric contains curcumin, an ingredient that has the ability to go directly into the brain and help the cells inside it. The natural antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of curcumin help improve the memory capability of Alzheimer patients, increase serotonin and dopamine to help ease depression, create new brain cells. Doctors suggest that aside from adding curcumin into food, you should use curcumin supplements as an extra source of it.
Pumpkin seeds

Many people thought of pumpkin seeds as a non-nutritious food, they are mistaken. These seeds contain antioxidants that help your body fight against free-radical damage. Furthermore, pumpkin seeds contain magnesium, iron, zinc, and copper, these micronutrients play an important role in improving your brain health. Adding pumpkin seeds to your daily diet is recommended due to the effects that they provide for you.
Dark chocolate

Dark chocolate is considered a source of flavonoids, caffeine, and antioxidants, these compounds inside dark chocolate help boost your brain capabilities. Flavonoids help enhance brain memory and reduce age-related mental decline speed. According to one study, people who ate chocolate regularly are able to perform mental-related tasks better than those who don’t eat it. Aside from helping your brain, chocolate also helps you improve your mood by creating positive feelings.

One orange per day is all you need to provide your body with the amount of vitamin C it needs. Vitamin C is an important nutrient that helps prevent mental decline. The performance of tasks involving focus, memory, attention, and decision speed can be improved by having a high amount of Vitamin C in your body. Free radicals can be prevented from damaging your brain cells with the help of vitamin C. Your brain is also protected against anxiety, schizophrenia, and Alzheimer’s by adding vitamin C to your body on a daily basis.