Most people know that to lose weight efficiently, a balanced diet and exercise are a must. Still, there are people who want to speed up the process. Knowing that need, illume-emag suggests 5 teas for weight loss.
- Green tea
Green tea is believed to have substances that boost the metabolic rate, helping you burn more calories. It is also said that it is more effective if combined with exercise. One study has shown that when green tea is consumed before exercise, 17% more calories are burned. Although green tea’s weight loss effect is modest, studies have proved a significant percentage of the fat lost is harmful visceral fat, also called belly fat.

- Ginger tea
Ginger tea promotes a number of biological processes in the body. They help food digest faster and stimulate the body to accelerate digested food through the colon, which has an anti-obesity effect. Research suggests it may help stabilize blood sugar levels, helping you stay full longer, thus being a good factor in weight loss. Its effectiveness can be increased by adding a squeeze of lemon. Not only does it give you extra vitamin C, but it also improves the flavor, making you drink more.

- Cinnamon tea
Cinnamon tea, when consumed, can aid in weight loss and belly fat reduction. Once taken before bed, can help you avoid late-night hunger by making you feel fuller for longer. When taken in between meals, it has a similar effect: it reduces your desire for additional food and helps you digest high-fat foods quickly. Cinnamon tea, on the other hand, should be used in moderation because it might raise the risk of bleeding and cause liver problems.

- Peppermint tea
Peppermint tea is rich in vitamin C, making the immune system function normally, helping the metabolism running at its normal pace. Both will not only prevent fat build-up but also help you lose weight. Plus, peppermint tea’s strong aroma acts as an appetite suppressant, killing cravings. You can use it after meals instead of having sweets or other high-calorie deserts, and it will help you lose weight by consuming fewer calories.

- Black tea
Black tea is known for its effectiveness in helping weight loss. Scientists suspect the reason for this is the tea’s high level of flavones, a type of plant pigment with antioxidant properties. Many have tested the weight loss effectiveness of the substance, and the results were positive.