Chicken, especially chicken breast, contains a large number of nutrients, good for the development of glute. Chicken contains up to 37% protein, 23% fat and many essential nutrients, supports muscle building, improves hips size.
Nuts such as almonds, cashews, and walnuts are not only healthy, but also a great source of fat and protein, helping to build muscle mass, and tone the hips and buttocks.
Avocados contain a healthy amount of monounsaturated fats and make your hips fuller. The vitamins and minerals in avocado also help plump your breasts.
Eggs are not only a convenient breakfast, rich in nutrients, supporting weight loss, but also effective in supporting exercises to help make your hips firmer.
Sweet potato
Not only support weight loss, sweet potatoes also contain many nutrients to help increase your buttocks size. You can eat sweet potatoes instead of white rice, while helping to limit the amount of calories you eat, mortar burns the accumulated fat.