Eat these 6 fruits to promote hair growth, and avoid these 3 habits that cause excessive hair loss

Women who have gorgeous, bouncy hair feel more confident with their appearance. If you continue to do these habits, you will experience excessive hair loss.


We often overlook the importance of our hair. As a result, we tend to care less and develop bad habits that negatively affect hair health. ILLUME eMAG will expose to you these 3 habits that cause excessive hair loss as well as recommend that you should eat these 6 fruits to promote hair growth.

Habits that cause hair loss

  1. You’re washing your hair incorrectly

Shampooing helps clean hair, but washing it too much could backfire. When you wash your hair frequently, the natural oil on your scalp is depleted, and your hair becomes dry, frizzy, and brittle. Experts recommend washing your hair no more than three times each week.

When washing your hair, you should also avoid using water that is hotter than 40 degrees Celsius. Too hot water dries out the scalp, dilates the hair pores, damages the hair roots, and causes the hair to become brittle and fall out. Furthermore, you should brush your hair before washing it, avoid washing it while it is tangled, and avoid washing it for too long or scratching it too hard, since this can cause your hair to fall out more.

  1. Frequent mental stress

Stress can have a variety of negative health impacts, including hair loss. This is especially typical among people who think complicatedly and worry excessively about little issues in life, work, and relationships.

Stress disrupts the biological clock by raising levels of the hormone cortisol, which inhibits hair follicle development, resulting in weak hair, breaking, and permanent or temporary hair loss.

  1. Weight loss

Nutritional deficiencies also cause hair loss. Women who wish to have an ideal body use diets to reduce weight on a regular basis. This causes a deficiency of vitamins in the body, which causes hair loss.

6 fruits to promote hair growth

  1. Orange

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This fruit is high in antioxidants, antifungals, and antibacterial properties. They aid in the reduction of free radical damage and the prevention of hair loss. Oranges also contain a lot of vitamin C, which is great for encouraging hair growth.

  1. Strawberry

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Strawberries contain vitamin C, which helps to minimize hair loss, slow the graying process, and prevent the formation of irritating dandruff. This fruit also has the potential to thicken and strengthen hair.

  1. Banana

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Bananas are high in vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E, potassium, and carbs, which help to stimulate hair growth. Furthermore, bananas aid to enhance scalp health by reducing dandruff and unclogging pores.

  1. Avocado


Protein, vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E, beta-carotene, calcium, iron, potassium, phosphorus, and niacin are all abundant in this fruit. They help clean the scalp, protect hair from sunlight, stimulate hair growth and nourish hair from inside.

  1. Pineapple

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Pineapple is high in calcium, which promotes hair growth and prevents graying. In addition, pineapple can help to build collagen, slow the aging process, and promote weight loss.

  1. Grapes


Grapes are one of the fruits that can prevent hair follicles from free radical damage. Eating a lot of grapes promotes hair growth, reduces dryness, and aids in the treatment of dandruff.

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