Recently, Selena Gomez made the social network explode when posting pictures showing her sexy bikini figure. Although the weather is turning to autumn, with just 1 photo of a bikini, Selena has brought back the hot summer.
Viewers were immediately attracted to the toned body, hot curves and sexy breasts of the female singer at the age of 28. Worth mentioning, Selena Gomez did not bother with makeup but left her bare face, pale lips without lipstick. However, the divine angle and radiant smile still make people “groggy”. Fans and fanpages from all over the world shared this amazing moment of hers. It is true that every time she returns to the social network, Selena Gomez has a way to make people shocked.

It is known that Selena took this photo to promote a close friend’s bikini brand. Although she only took a snap to advertise to help her best friend, the bikini photos of the female singer still became a hot topic, being talked about by netizens.
Her body and beauty still make fans “nosebleed”. Taking photos with the camera is often just as enchanting people like this, it’s true that few people can do like Selena.