Representatives of the Consular Club HCMC took part in meaningful event on September 14 in preparation for the September 30 fundraising event.

On September 14, six members from the Consular Club HCMC took part in the Cooking for a Cause event at the Classic Fine Foods export processing zone. This is a volunteer cooking initiative started by VietHarvest, an organization that collects quality leftover food to provide and prepare free meals for people in need.

In addition to members from the Consular Club HCMC and VietHarvest, renowned chef Tru Lang also took part in the culinary session. The club’s president, Ms. Milena Padula, spouse of the Consul General of Italy, and the members cooked more than 40 meals for the children’s fund The Christina Noble Children’s Foundation (CNCF) during the cooking session.

This cooking session is one of the events planned as part of the fundraising event on Saturday evening, September 30. The Consular Club will contribute the event’s funds to three charitable organizations: VietHarvest, Planéte Enfants & Dèvelopment Vietnam, and Brighter Path Girl’s Club under VinaCapital Foundation.
According to the plan, about 400 guests, mostly from the diplomatic community and businessmen, will attend the event. The food show of Mr. Enrico Padula, Consul General of Italy, Ms. Josefine Wallat, Consul General of Germany, and Mr. Daniel Stork, Consul General of the Netherlands, in addition to the auction program, is much awaited.