Why do you have strange dreams?

Unexpected life events, elevated stress levels, and changes in routine can all have an effect on our dreams, making them stranger, more vivid, and memorable.

What could be causing your strange dreams? How can you manage them more effectively?

Why do you have strange dreams? - Photo by Alexandra Gorn
Why do you have strange dreams? – Photo by Alexandra Gorn

Why am I experiencing strange dreams?

Each night, our bodies cycle through various stages of sleep. The majority of your dreams will take place during rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, which begins approximately 90 minutes after you fall asleep.

“Dreams during rapid eye movement (REM) sleep are frequently bizarre, vivid, or whimsical, and are frequently associated with emotions,” explains Stephanie Stahl, MD, a sleep medicine physician at Indiana University Health.

The purpose of dreams remains a mystery to science, though there is some evidence for why you may be having particularly strange or vivid dreams:

    • You’re assimilating new data. According to research, dreaming aids in the processing of information gathered during the day, consolidating memories, and sorting new knowledge. Stahl explains that if you are focused on a single subject just before bedtime, there is a greater chance that it will manifest in your dream. “If you are obsessively watching the news or scrolling through social media about the coronavirus near bedtime, you may have dreams about the content of what you were viewing or the emotions you experienced while doing these activities,” Stahl explains.
    • You’re resolving your emotions. “There is evidence that dreams are a form of self-therapy for the mind,” explains Alex Dimitriu, MD, psychiatrist and founder of Menlo Park Psychiatry and Sleep Medicine. “When we sleep, we create memories, process experiences, and process emotions. REM, or dream sleep, is thought to be particularly important for emotion processing. ” For instance, increased stress can result in an increase in REM sleep, which can result in more vivid dreams. Additionally, there is a strong correlation between the prevalence of nightmares and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
    • Your routine has shifted. REM cycles lengthen and deepen throughout the night, culminating in the deepest sleep just before you awaken in the morning, according to Rajkumar Dasgupta, MD, an assistant professor of clinical medicine at the University of Southern California’s Keck School of Medicine. If you sleep later, you may be getting slightly more REM sleep than usual, increasing your chances of having strange dreams. Additionally, the converse may be true: sleep deprivation or a lack of sleep can result in more vivid dreams.

How to deal with strange dreams

Everybody occasionally has strange dreams, Dimitriu says, and they are usually harmless.

Indeed, there are a few strategies you can employ to avoid having strange dreams or to calm yourself down after they occur:

    • Reduce your level of stress. Stahl notes that how you spend your time immediately before bed can have an effect on your dreams once you fall asleep. Therefore, avoid activities that may cause you anxiety or cause your mind to race, such as watching a scary movie or reading the news. To improve your overall sleep quality, you may also want to incorporate stress-management strategies such as journaling, regular exercise, meditation, or counseling.
    • Techniques of relaxation. If you are awakened in the middle of the night by a disturbing dream, it can be difficult to fall back asleep. “Relaxing, deep breathing, concentrating on lowering your heart rate, and avoiding rumination about the dream are all beneficial after an unsettling dream,” Stahl says. Additionally, you could try occupying your mind with something else, such as reading a book, until you feel sleepy again.
    • Consider your dream rehearsal. Another technique known as “dream rehearsal” can assist in managing or preventing strange dreams from ruining your sleep, Dimitriu explains. This procedure entails writing down the story of the bad dream and then describing an alternate or happier ending, which can help “set the intention to have a dream end in a positive way, just before bed,” Dimitru explains.
    • Maintain a consistent sleep schedule. Practicing good sleep hygiene, Dasgupta explains, can help you sleep better and possibly avoid having bad dreams. This means that you should strive to sleep and wake up at approximately the same time each day, as this will help regulate your circadian rhythms and prevent oversleeping or sleep deprivation.


Typically, strange dreams occur as a result of a change in routine or a particularly stressful or emotional time in your life. You can eliminate strange dreams by utilizing relaxation techniques prior to bed and maintaining a consistent sleep routine.

If you continue to have disturbing dreams or nightmares that interfere with your ability to sleep soundly, it’s worth discussing your sleeping habits and stress levels with a doctor.


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