Prepare More Filling Snacks and Meals

Satisfying meals and snacks are critical for maintaining energy levels, maintaining a stable blood sugar level, and avoiding serious “hanger” attacks when they occur unexpectedly. Clients frequently come to me in a constant state of mild hunger as a result of eating diet-culture-approved meals that are deficient in critical nutrients or calories. One of the first things we do is educate ourselves about how various nutrients, such as fat and carbohydrates, can work in your favor, rather than against you. Here are my top tips for maximizing the nutritional value of your meals and snacks in order to feel full and satisfied.

Prepare More Filling Snacks and Meals - Photo by Max Delsid
Prepare More Filling Snacks and Meals – Photo by Max Delsid

1. Fat

Because fat takes the longest to digest, it also contributes significantly to keeping you fuller for longer after meals. Additionally, fat helps maintain stable blood sugar levels, avoiding large spikes and drops that can deplete energy and cause insatiable hunger. I recommend including fat in most meals and snacks for the satisfaction factor as well — it frequently improves the taste and enjoyment of your meal. Consider roasting vegetables in olive oil or using it as the basis for a salad dressing. Avocado can be added to sandwiches, while nuts and seeds can be added to grain bowls, salads, and oatmeal. Snack on peanut butter or a piece of cheese with fruit, or for breakfast, switch to full-fat Greek yogurt.

2. Protein

Protein is second only to fat in terms of digestion time and is just as important for satiety. While low-protein meals and snacks are frequently unsatisfying, this is a simple problem to solve given the abundance of excellent protein sources available. Chicken, fatty fish such as salmon or tuna, white fish such as cod or haddock, turkey, grass-fed beef, and eggs are all nutrient-dense animal proteins to include in meals. Plant-based proteins such as tofu, tempeh, lentils, hemp and chia seeds, as well as whole grains such as quinoa and oats, are also excellent. Try hard-boiled eggs, string cheese, Greek yogurt, or edamame to boost the protein content of snacks.

3. Carbs and fiber

Fiber is a carbohydrate that the body cannot completely digest, which helps to slow digestion and maintain stable blood sugar levels. Certain fibers are fermented in the large intestine, where they contribute to the growth of beneficial gut bacteria. Fiber-rich meals and snacks help keep you full and satisfied, and the trick to getting enough is straightforward: Consume more plants! Fiber is found in fruits, vegetables, beans, legumes, whole grains, nuts, and seeds, and eating a variety of them on a regular basis is the key to satisfying meals. I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention carbs in general here as well — so many of my clients skimp on carbs and rarely feel satisfied after meals as a result. Including a carbohydrate source with each meal — bread, rice, pasta, potatoes, beans, and other whole grains — helps provide energy to the body, reduces cravings for carbs and sweets, and increases meal satisfaction.

In snacking, the rule of two applies

So, how are these concepts going to be incorporated into your snacks? Utilize the two-s rule: Ensure that each snack contains at least two of the three nutrients listed above (fat, protein, and fiber). While they are filling on their own, they are even more so when consumed in combination. Several examples include the following:

  • String cheese and grapes
  • Bananas drenched in almond butter
  • Greek yogurt with berries
  • With whole-grain crackers and a hard-boiled egg
  • Toast with whole grains and peanut butter.
  • Apple stuffed with walnuts
  • Whole grain pita chips topped with avocado or guacamole


Satisfying meals and snacks require only a few tweaks, planning, and, of course, abandonment of diet culture behaviors. Consider which nutrients you may need to supplement your meals rather than restrict, and keep in mind that filling, satisfying meals often result in fewer cravings, binges, and overall crankiness. If these thoughts seem overwhelming, seeking assistance from a registered dietitian can be life-changing.

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